23.7. 18:00 Richard Rohr
Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life. Visit of Richard Rohr in Prague.
Public lecture. 23.7.2018 6 pm Church of the Infant Jesus of Prague.
In English with Czech interpretation. Admission free, no reservation needed.
Richard Rohr OFM – american franciscan priest, intenationally well recognized teacher of contemplation, preacher and author. Founder of Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Richard gives lectures and leads retreats all over the world. He is an author of numerous books such as Wild Man‘s Journey, On the Threshold of Transformation and Falling Upward. One of his key programmes is the MORP (Men´s Rites of Passage) Initiation. Inspired by Richard´s life work with men the Czech movement „Chlapi“ (Men) has worked in Czechia for more than twenty years.