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Easter 2019
Liturgy Schedule
14. 4. Palm Sunday
- 10.00 Mass in Czech
- 12.00 Mass in English
- 17.00 Mass in French (Français)
- 18.00 Mass in Italian (Italiano)
- 19.00 Mass in Czech
18. 4. Holy Thursday
- 19.00 Evening mass of the Lord`s supper (in Czech)
- after the mass Eucharistic adoration until 22h
19. 4. Good Friday
- 17.00 Good Friday of the Lord`s passion (in Czech)
Adoration of the Cross
20. 4. Holy Saturday
21. 4. Easter Sunday
- 04.30 Easter vigil (in Czech)
- 12.00 Mass in English
- 17.00 Mass in Spanish (Español)
- 18.00 Mass in Italian (Italiano)
- 19.00 Mass in Czech
22. 4. Easter Monday
- 10.00 Mass in Czech
- 18.00 Mass in Czech